Top 12 Muscle Building Foods

A bodybuilder’s diet must consist of the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat to see the best results. All are necessary and should not be overlooked.

The following list of muscle building foods is a great start for your diet and muscle building program. You’ll notice this list contains lots of foods that are high in protein and other nutrients while being low in fat. As a general rule, you’ll want to eat in this way to get some great nutritional benefits without also getting a lot of empty, calorie heavy meals.

Also aim to avoid refined carbohydrates, that is, white rice, breads and flour, etc. These foods digest quickly compared to complex carbohydrates and cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Top 12 Muscle Building Foods

Muscle Building Foods

Although many more foods could be added to the list below, some of the top choices are:

Chicken and Turkey Breast

One of the best sources of protein because chicken and turkey are also naturally lower in fat that other meat sources. Be careful though. Staying low-fat means removing the skin and eating broiled, not fried, chicken and turkey.


Another great source of protein and other nutrients because eggs absorb quickly into the body and convert to amino acids to give a quick benefit. Some would worry about cholesterol contained in eggs. The truth is, if you have normal cholesterol levels, you should not have to worry about eating 1-2 eggs per day. However, if you DO have high levels of bad cholesterol, limiting eggs is a good idea. Don’t forget though, egg whites also contain protein and no cholesterol. So, for example, you could scramble 1 whole egg with 2 egg whites.

Whole Wheat Products and Oatmeal

Although most people consider these foods high in fiber, which they are, these foods are also a great source of complex carbohydrates because they digest slowly and therefore, do not cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Fish and Salmon

Another source of protein, fish is a great food and salmon is one of the better choices. Salmon contains heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids and is good for building muscle mass. You should eat this food at least 3 times per week.


A great health food in general, spinach contains many nutrients that prevent cancer, heart disease, muscle and bone loss, and is low fat besides.


Beans contain more protein and fiber, which is another great health ingredient. In addition to helping bowel movements, fiber also regulates how the body processes insulin, which affect how various nutrients are absorbed.


Bananas contain many nutrients such as potassium, magnesium and fiber and are another one of those carbs that absorb slowly and therefore, help to regulate blood sugar and insulin.

Mixed Nuts

Nuts are loaded with tons of nutrients that are good for your heart and good for your body. They contain mono- & polyunsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, vitamin E, zinc, potassium, magnesium. Care should be taken to eat nuts in moderation though as they do contain more calories than many other recommended foods.


Berries contain a host of nutrients and antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart & eye diseases. Any variety will do. As an easy addition, add them to oatmeal, salads, yogurt, or combine with ice and/or low fat milk to make delicious smoothies.

Red Meat

Red meat is a great source of protein and additional nutrients that should be in everyone’s diet. Concern about fat content is an issue though – so choose cuts lower in fat and/or trim excess fat from meat before cooking. The fats in steak has been shown to help increase testosterone so if you want to build muscle, red meat should be included in your diet.

Whey Protein

Unlike protein contained in food, whey protein is quickly absorbed and digested by your body. It’s suggested that you consume whey protein within 2 hours after working out. In this way, your body will get the protein it needs soon after exercise which will help the muscles rebuild quicker. Add this powder to shakes and/or smoothies.


Since the body is made up of 70%-80% water, this overlooked food should be consumed regularly, especially when exercising. Aim for drinking 2-3 liters of water per day, more on days with heavy exercise.

Following this list will give you LOTS of choices in meals and snacks.

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